
Im Contestbetrieb werden oft bewusst Vorschriften übertreten und Reglemente verletzt. Die Organisatoren des CQ WW Contests greifen nun erstmals zu radikalen Mitteln um diesen Tendenzen entgegen zu treten.

Sie veröffentlichen die Rufzeichen der disqualifizierten und verwarnten Operator bzw. Stationen des CQ WW SSB Wettbewerbs von 2014.

Original Text der Mitteilung vom 18.4.2015:

"The CQ WW Contest Committee takes its job as referee for the contest very seriously.  Each year a group of dedicated members spends many hours pouring over logs, listening to SDR recordings, and following up on input from the contest community.  We do not always have perfect information and it is difficult when each entrant is operating from their own station without any outside observer. Even so, the logs and recordings often tell us a clear story. It is our job as referees to call them as we see them.

Each disqualified entrant is notified of the decision and given 5 days to respond. We do this to allow everyone the opportunity to present an explanation of what appears in the log.

We regret to announce the following actions for CQ WW SSB 2014."

Liste der disqualifizierten und verwarnten Rufzeichen

(Quelle: USKA / HB9CIC)


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